Motor Parts Shop

Motor Parts Shop

Aside from financial investment Mr. Armando Manaois spends on his motor parts shop business he believes that kindness is an investment that certainly pays off. “Kindness is the secret in keeping your customers. Do not over price. I make sure to match the price to the people buying the motor parts, I understand that tricycle drivers do not earn much, so do not take advantage of them. Be considerate, knowing that your customers are also making a living out of their motorcycles. Sometimes I need to lend to them if they are in lack, so they can repair their tricycles and make a living. They pay me back in a week’s time.”

Hailing from Nangalisan, Tuba, Benguet, Armando Manaois, 40 years of age, single-handedly manages his business of motor parts shop. He saw the opportunity of putting up a motor parts shop business since tricycle is one of the means of transportation in their barangay and nearby municipalities.

Mr. Manaois used his first loan from JVOMFI to augment the needs for their welding shop. In his 16th cycle of loan in 2017, Mr. Manaois started another business which is a motor parts shop. He started with just a few stocks, not even filling up his display cabinet. Now, Mr. Manaois, has a room full of stocks and rolls all his net sales every month to buy more motor parts. He strives to add more to his stocks so he can cater to more motorists. He noticed that people come into his shop when they see that he has a lot to offer.

Customers from other municipalities now frequent his shop since his motor parts shop earned its name in the area. People come as far as Tubao, La Union to buy from him.

Customers also go back to his shop because he provided a place for his customers to repair their motorcycles – for free. Those who tries to save up on repairs line up on his shop and just pay for the parts purchased, while others who can afford the repair ask for Mr. Manaois or his helper to repair their motors.

Mr. Manaois learned the hard way when he experienced losing money due to gambling. “It was tough not having money to spend”, he said. He realized early on to do away with it and rose up where he had fallen. He makes a conscious effort to make a decent living and makes sure he earns something every single day to grow his business, pay his loan on time and increase his savings with JVOMFI.

Seeing the effect of gambling, Mr. Manaois also saw the need to help the youth in their community to turn away from bad vices by teaching them how to weld, how to use a drill, and repair a motorcycle. He teaches students and out-of-schools youths alike, and give them wages if they finished a task.

“JVOMFI’s policy is fine with me, no comments or whatsoever, I think that’s normal. When you borrow money, you should know how to pay it back. It would be a shame if I hear people say Armand did not pay his loan. Make sure when you borrow money, you know where to invest and how to pay it back”



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